Sonntag, 6. November 2011
Underneath a tree
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 08:43 0 Kommentare
Donnerstag, 3. November 2011
Am Freitag vor einer Woche haben mich 2 kleine Babykatzen mit Namen Tiger und Rosa gefunden, denn wie ja bekannt ist, suchen sich Katzen ihre 'Dosenöffner' aus, und nicht umgekehrt.
So also teile ich nun meine Wohnung mit den 2 süßen Fellnasen, die zur Zeit nichts anderes im Kopf haben, als Schlafen, Fressen, und ihre neue Welt zu erkunden.
Es wurden auch schon Lieblingsplätze auserkoren, die da sind mein Bett (da lässt sichs anscheinend auch für Kätzchen gut drauf schlafen ^^), egal wo ich sitze auf meinem Schoß, bzw wenn ich mal nicht sitze kraxelt man halt einfach schnell die Beine hoch und hängt dann da wie ein kleines Klammeräffchen ( verzeihung, Kätzchen natürlich).
Da ich seit meiner Kindheit von Katzen umgeben bin, war es für mich selbstverständlich, dass ich meine Wohnung mit Stubentigern teile, und so ein beruhigendes Katzenschnurren ist einfach eines der beruhigendsten
Geräuschen der Welt. ^___^
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 16:16 0 Kommentare
Sonntag, 21. November 2010
Sir Christus
Mein absoluter immer und und ewig bleibende Lieblingsgitarrist *-*
Er war ja früher der Gitarrist von Negative, und spielt mittlerweile in der vierten neuen Band, die da heisst : 'The Salvation'
Ich hoffe für ihn, dass dieses Projekt nun länger hält, als die letzten....
Empfehlenswerte Seite dazu ^^
und hier noch ein Interview mit ihm, auch zu finden im oben genannten Forum.
Sir Christus switched to 'water-line'
The Salvation start playing concerts in spring, as rock'n'roll's dream group.
Sir Christus has taken a new direction in his life and has gone to the "water-line". He is known from Negative, but that time has passed.
- The cork will stay closed. Furthermore I do not fumble anymore.
He has not become an absolutist, but has gotten rid of his demons.
He has changed to a long direction, as he is now also in a dayjob.
- I'm grateful that I got a job in Tatu Metsäläs construction company. I am also grateful to my friend Mikko Nieminen who recommended me to him.
In the construction work he does carpentry and timber works. He has not studied for this kind of work for a single day, but he has learned how to do it by working. At the moment of the interview he was on a sick leave, as he fell from a height of 1,5 metres onto his elbow and broke the radius bone in his arm.
Sir Christus is in the churchbooks as Jukka Mikkonen. His father, Arwo Mikkonen, is the original guitarist of Popeda.
The mind suddenly turned to gigs
Sir Christus has energy in an abundance, of the kind that the balance goes off if there is not enough to do to keep him in check.
- I was afraid beforehand how this would work out, but I have now found new things to do. I'm making a solo album with Samae Koskinen, with some exciting material. I don't know if it will be released. There are some nice sentimental songs that I composed and wrote myself.
After the break, the thoughts go back to the gigs. With a new lineup and The Salvation gigs will start later this spring.
- Mind wants to start playing, as there has been a break. With The Salvation we're doing some gigs. Then we'll give interviews to also others than Moro. And then we close the doors and go to the studio to record the album.
Certainly not throwing TVs
Sir Christus doesn't take it badly if the other bandmembers want to take a drink before the show, as long as the ropes are handled. That's the main thing.
- The audience must be respected. Ticket prices are high and they should get value for their money. Music is a work like others. When also the album has been made in a sober state, then why act differently and get drunk.
Negative has in a long time had a policy of no drinks before the show.
- I intend to keep this line. It is good if beforehand there is excitement, which can be fully loaded. If one takes some kind of relaxant before the gig, one doesn't get the kick that is needed.
- And it is for sure that with the new band we won't throw TVs out of the hotel windows. Finland is a small country and there are hotel chains. The word will surely spread if we make a blunder.
Doesn't go without amazement
In Sir Christus' opinion, the "water-line's" joys are that the ideas fly better. Flying ideas can occur even if you're at home drinking water from vodka bottles.
It hasn't gone without surprises. A few weeks ago Sir Christus was in a bar with his brother, when a fan girl came to ask him if she could offer him a drink.
- I said that I'm not finished with my soda. The girl said that she wanted to offer me a drink and asked if I wasn't drunk. I said I wasn't and asked afterwards, should I be.
Things were left unsaid
In the time with Negative, there were no bad feelings, except for during the last year with the band, and those have been cleared up with Jonne Aaron.
- We went on hard with Negative. We should've been able to stop. In the hurry things were left unsaid and not taken care of. Then frustration and homesickness hit around. When things didn't go naturally, it was easier to blow the game to a stop.
- There were no bad feelings for Negative during and after. It was such that in the tourbus when I went to sleep that I started to whine like a little child. My mind wasn't going in the same direction as the band.
Most of the time in Negative was joyful for Sir Christus, because the band wanted to rise high immediately.
- We didn't know anything from anything, but we wanted to go to Japan. Things came one by one. We didn't even know if we could play at all.
During the years Sir Christus has accumulated a thick fanbase. This happened in an exciting way. In other words, his personal email address leaked and he started getting messages from fans from from many countries, even ones he has never played a single gig in.
A good shaking about the new band
Sir Christus has good expectations about The Salvations, but he doesn't say much but lets the acts speak for themselves. The manager Tommi Liimatainen believes in the group's potential.
- You can say that this is a rock'n'roll dream team. The bandmembers have been playi music for ten years, that is to say that they have experience.
Sir Christus collected the band around himself.
- It's hard to say, did I dissolve Stereo Junks or not. I was in Levi in November and thought about that from this band I could take a bassist, a singer and drummer. A second alternative I considered was that the guitarist left and I could take his place. The guitarist then left so I didn't have to cram myself in.
- We have a japanese bassist who makes no mistakes at practices. He came to Finland on a tourist visa and has been here for a year without permission. The case is being worked on. Now we're on a rehearsal break because our drummer got an heart infection and he's not allowed to do anything but walk slowly. It doesn't matter much as we have already rehearsed the set and need just the icing on the cake.
One or the whole body full
Sir Christus' characteristic mark is a gold tooth.
- The gold tooth is because I like to do all sorts of adjustments about outwards looks. I sew by myself. Actually the tooth is 22 karat white gold. If I get robbed and stuck somewhere, the tooth will pay my ticket home.
- I have a compulsion to renew. I took once one tattoo because I wanted to try. I don't know if that was smart. There well be either this one or the whole body full.
So far Sir Christus' best modification of stageclothes was trousers made from women's underwear/jockstraps taken from an icehockeybox. [Tähän mennessä Sir Christuksen lavapukeutumisen huippuviritys oli jääkiekkokassista otettujen alasuojien yhdistäminen naisten pikkuhousuihin.] if someone can make sense of this, please try...
Sir Christus has recently moved from Tampere to Helsinki, but he is still ultimately a "Tampere-ean". As heard from his speech.
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 08:26 0 Kommentare
New Hair
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 08:08 0 Kommentare
Samstag, 20. November 2010
yaay ^-^
ich habs geschafft, endlich zum Frisör zu gehen *gg
und ich bin SO zufrieden, wie ichs schon lange nicht mehr nach nem Besuch beim Haareschneider war ^^
also ich kann 'Red Hair' in Mürzzuschlag nur weiterempfehlen, sind super freundlich, der Salon sieht toll aus, und meine Haare sehen danach so aus wie ich es will, also super umgesetzt =) an dieser Stelle, Dank an Mila, dass sie mich dorthin gebracht hat ^^
Foto folgt morgen, da ich heut nur mehr im Gammellook vertreten bin ^.~
und am Dienstag gehts dann los mit Wohnung herrichten, was heisst - Tapeten runter, Ausmalen, und so weiter und so fort.... ^-^
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 10:42 0 Kommentare
Mittwoch, 17. November 2010
Ich müsste unbedigt zum Frisör, ich müsste unbedigt Haare nachfärben, ich müsste unbedingt wieder mehr Sport machen >_<""
es liegt bestimmt am Winter, bzw am Wetter, dass ich so absolut Null bock auf gar nichts habe ._.
mag mich nich jemand motivieren? :P
love <3 ^^
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 11:07 0 Kommentare
Sonntag, 7. November 2010
Look at it :O
Seht was ich gefunden habe *sing* ^^
nämlich dieses hier *klick*
Ich tendiere ja zu Nr. 2 die ist aber mit knapp 25€ auch etwas teurer als die Regenbogen Palette mit 17€.
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 08:10 0 Kommentare
Donnerstag, 4. November 2010
Wohnung ^-^
Ich habe meine Wohnung gefunden yaaay =)
Es ist die Wohnung geworden, die ich mir schon mal angeschaut habe, da hats dann leider einige Probleme gegeben, aber ich hab die Hoffnung nich aufgegeben,, und das hat sich ausgezahlt :D
Sobald ich dann meinen Lohn hab, ist Wohnungsübergabe, und dann gehts ans Pinseln, und basteln ;)
Sobald ich kann, stell ich Fotos rein, dann gibts den vorher nachher Effekt ^.~
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 02:31 0 Kommentare
Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010
was ist Liebe?
das alles in einem einzigen Moment.
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 06:40 0 Kommentare
Ihr werdet hier unter anderem Texte von mir finden, Dinge, auf die ich so im Alltag treffe, oder einfach aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudertes. ;)
Eingestellt von Dai.Suki um 05:54 2 Kommentare